Monday, July 26, 2010

The Push for One Hundred Thousand

Alright, so here’s the scoop folks: As a team, we have currently raised $93,965 for Multiple Sclerosis.  Personally, I have brought in $4,145.  We are trying to get as close to $100,000 as possible and we only have five days left to do it.  The bar has been raised and the challenge has been set.  Don has offered a free hotel room for one night in San Francisco at Fisherman’s Wharf for the person that raises the most between now and the 31st.  I know all ten of you that read my blog have already donated, but if you know anyone who sympathizes with the cause and wants to throw five bucks my way, I’d greatly appreciate it.  It would be so great to say we actually raised $100k in a summer to fight this disease.  This bike trip has been SO HARD and I want to make it SO WORTH IT.  Bike the US for MS is going to completely explode in the next few years.  2011 will already have multiple routes and support vehicles and hopefully some big name corporate sponsors!  We are making this happen right now.  I get so excited thinking about how the kids next year are going to feel starting out from Yorktown or Maine on their journeys west.  I am envious already. 

I got ahead of myself.  There is a link to donate below if you haven’t already.  Also, some people, namely my mom and other family, have complimented my writing style.  If anyone out there would like to pay me to write and go on trips like this all the time, please contact me immediately.  Ha, I’d love to do this forever.  I’d also love to treat my friends Amber and Mike to a hotel room in San Francisco.  They are flying all the way from Virginia Beach and Durham, respectively, to cheer us on as we dip our tires in the Pacific.  I love you guys and can’t wait to see you.  Team Pacecloud rides together and stays together, and they’d all like it if I won the hotel room too!



  1. Tara, we donated another 50.00 because-
    1. it is a great cause
    2. I have enjoyed reading your blog
    3. I want you to get a free hotel room in San Fran.


  2. Tara - I can't believe it's almost over. I have so enjoyed your blog and all the other team member's blogs. What a great group of men and women you all are. I am going to miss stalking you guys. Is there anyway you would consider wearing a GPS tracking device so that I can continue to enjoy your adventures, ha, ha. No, never mind probably not a good idea. Please tell all your team mates that your family has enjoyed watching their journey and we will miss all of them. Love mom.

  3. Tara,
    We will miss following the team's progress and reading the blogs. We are so proud of you and all the Team members. All of you are heroes! Love, Wes and Terri
